What is DigitalTVET?

DigitalTVET is the first online learning platform based in Malaysia that providing technical and digital knowledge which involving revolutionary subjects and topics for world digital agenda.

What kind of TVET online courses does DigitalTVET provide?

DigitalTVET provides two type of learning courses, TVET Live and Courses.

TVET Live is an online live course that conducted by industrial player who want to invest their knowledge to produce digital apprentice.

Courses is our digital charity on TVET knowledge, you can tease your eager to knowledge hunger by watching our videos.

What is TVET Live? And What is the different between TVET Live and Courses?

TVET Live is a real time live session with two-way communication between master trainer and participant. Participants also able to question their curiosity during the session with master trainer. Participant understanding is the first priority for master trainer, he/she will make sure that participant will not leave the session empty-brained. The session will be conducted systematically by using tickets, confirmation and invitation by emails, therefore, it will be a limit number of participant. Better get your ticket fast!

Courses is a free, organized and structured knowledge based on relevant digital subjects, ready to watch videos. Courses provide series of videos that able to help technical practiser clear their thought on TVET subjects.

Is it Free?

TVET Live have various prices and it can be free, it depends on the TVET Live courses provided. Each course has its own price. Keep browsing our TVET Live and don’t miss free course.

Courses is a free knowledge learning material based on videos. You can watch our teaching material now.

How to subscribe TVET Live course?

Firstly, you need to register an account to DigitalTVET. You can register here. Then you have to login into our page to subscribe our TVET Live courses and choose your poison!

We also provide documentation (.pdf) as a guideline for user to subscribe our TVET Live course.

What is the payment method for subscribing TVET Live courses?

We have three options which is bank fund transfer to our bank account (will be provided once subscribed) and also we are using JOMPay as our transaction method.

I can’t login into my account. What should I do?

Please double check your email and password, make sure that all letters is in order. If you still unable to login, please click on Forgot Password button to retrieve back your account.

How to recover password?

You can retrieve your account by submitting our simple Forgot Password function and you need check your email for account recovery.

How to register an account for DigitalTVET?

You can register your DigitalTVET account at Register page. We only require your first and last name with your email. Please construct a strong password for your account.

Strong password consists of a mix of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols, no ties to your personal information, and no dictionary words.